So help me, I’m blogging.
Alright, here we go. An hour for lunch and I’m going to try and cram in most of what I’ve wanted to write about for the last two weeks…
First off, I am so very excited that yesterday was the beginning of COMMISSIONATHLON 2009. For those of you not in the know, Obsidian of Commissioned Comic has this mad plan to do one commissioned piece of art a day for the next month. All of this is to fund his trip up from Colombia to Conneticon at the end of July. O’s first piece was Scott Johnson’s WoW character Gerp and his tiger pet Henry. It looks awesome. It may be my favorite of the WoW character drawings I’ve watched O do so far. I was fortunate enough to get to see the whole thing, and I am not so much more excited for the commission that I have coming. Brian and my piece is scheduled for next Tuesday, June 9th. I’ll be sure to tweet about it when it’s happening and I’ll put the finished piece up here when I get it.
Along those lines, I got a wedding invitation from two of my good friends, and their wedding is on the first of August. This is squarely in the middle of Conneticon, solving my on-going questioning as to whether I was going or not. I’m sad I won’t get to go see O, but maybe the ‘con means that more awesome stuff will be going on sale in his store.
E3… It deserves it’s own post, but I want to at least get my initial impressions out in case I don’t get another chance to write. The big news: I’m going to have to buy a PS3. I don’t really want to. But I must. Team Ico announced The Last Guardian, which I have been waiting for years to hear about. It’s nice to have an actual trailer (even if it is only a teaser) rather than whisperings, hopes, and the occasional blurry screen shot. Shadow of the Colossus is very likely my favorite game ever, and now I’m trying to get my hands on Ico. Along with Little Big Planet, that I’ve wanted since it came out, and God of War 3, Brian and I just can’t fight it much longer.
I’m sure my WoW characters have been weeping uncontrollably at my absence. I miss them, too. Daniora is working on getting her last Champion city, Orgrimmar. She’s also gathering up enough Champion seals to get her hippogryph. Amelinda of Earthen Ring is leveling… slowly. She’s still in the Ghostlands, but I have got to tell you, I am loving AIE. It’s really nice after a hard day at work to be able to surround yourself with a wall of friendly green text. I think people have the impression that there are so many jerks on the internet because all the nice people are tied up playing in the guild.
Scott Johnson’s got a new podcast, this time pairing up with Eric, otherwise known as SkyHawk. It’s called AppSlappy and covers apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Very nice. I can’t officially review it here until there are at least 5 episodes, but expect something soon.
Brian Dunnaway of Mission Deep, ELR, and Comics Coast-to-Coast has said he’s been working on a few new things for the site. I can’t wait for that!
Phew. That was quite the linkfest. Hopefully I’ll be able to get more regular and less insane posts out in the near future.
Also, I’d like to give a big internet shout out to Beth, the greatest office manager any company could hope for.